Main areas of research and interest

Historical relations between Lithuania and Western Europe from the Middle Ages to our days.
The largest project related to this topic: www.lugano.lt . The site is dedicated to the artistic and historical relations between Switzerland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since the 16th century.

History, culture, politics and national narratives of Poland, Belarus and Lithuania.
Long-term project related to this topic: www.gudija.lt . The first and the only Lithuanian site dedicated to the history and actualities of Belarus.
The latest scientific publication

Tomasz Błaszczak, Małgorzata Głowacka-Grajper, Agnieszka Nowakowska, Rūstis Kamuntavičius, Neighbours of the Empire: Images of Russia in Lithuanian and Polish Textbooks, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2024.
Department of History at Vytautas Magnus University, PhD, Associate Professor.
Institute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Director. The Institute researches and promotes the legacy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Vytautas Magnus University's Czesław Miłosz Center, Director. The Center focuses on the history, culture and politics of East-Central Europe.
International Congress of Belarusian Studies, One of the two main organizers. The Congress is the only place in the world, where the most representative numbers of Belarusian academic and social elites can, freely and independently from the influences of the Belarusian as well as other States, discuss history, politics, society and culture of Belarus since 2011.
Author of the first history of Belarus in the Lithuanian language Gudijos istorija (2021, the second edition in 2022)
East European Studies Summer School Club (University of Warsaw), Member of the board of directors. The Club unites over six hundred Central-Eastern European academics and intellectuals.
Lithuanian National Committee of Historians, General secretary (2004-2013). The Committee unites all Lithuanian institutions engaged in historical science.
Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian studies (USA), Member. The Association brings together several thousand Central-East European researchers from all over the world in annual Congresses.
Convent Ludenia, the "Flying University" (Minsk), Member. An academic corporation of an independent Belarusian University.
Santara–Šviesa (USA-Lithuania), Participant. An academic informal hive.
VMU Trade Union co-founder and the first manager (2006), then Committee member (until 2020).
Member of editorial boards of the international scientific publisher BRILL series "Modern Belarusian Studies", and of the journals Belarusian Political Science Review, Yearbook of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute, Homo historicus and Annual of the Center for Belarusian Studies.
Member of scientific boards of Przegląd Geopolityczny and Annales Pomorienses. Ius.
Reviewer of the scientific publication of the Polish Academy of Sciences Acta Baltico-Slavica.
Vytautas Magnus University (since 2002). Bachelors are taught courses in the history of Lithuania, Germany, France and other countries at the Faculty of Humanities, as well as European historiography, philosophy of history, economics and everyday history. Political philosophy at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy. Masters students are taught courses "Lithuania in Western Europe", dedicated to Lithuanian studies in Western European countries, "History of Diplomacy", "Applied history of Art and Mentality" and others.
University of Warsaw (since 2011). Lectures in various study programs on the topics of Lithuanian history and identity.
In addition, individual lectures (and their courses) were delivered in Lithuanian, English, Russian, Polish, Italian and French at various universities in Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, France, England and Switzerland. At the ISM University in Vilnius and Kaunas taught courses on history and art for many years.
Bachelor studies at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. Defended final thesis on the topic "French culture at the court of Jan Sobieski".
Master studies at the Central European University (Budapest). Master thesis topic "French travelers in 17th century Lithuania"
Doctoral studies at Vytautas Magnus University (together with the Institute of Lithuanian History). Dissertation topic "Grand Duchy of Lithuania in French and Italian literature of the 16th–17th centuries."
Studies and internships in scientific and research institutions in Italy (University of Parma, F. Datini Institute in Prato), France (Sorbonne, Institute of Human Sciences), Switzerland (University of Fribourg), Hungary (University of Central Europe) and Poland (University of Warsaw).
Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Warsaw (Warsaw, December 22, 2016) for long-term cooperation.
Award named after Jerzy Giedroyć (Warsaw, December 1, 2015) to the Institute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for "taking on a difficult mission, the aim of which is to promote the legacy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and especially the tradition of coexistence of different cultures, languages, religions and peoples in today's Lithuania, Poland, in Belarus and Ukraine."
(updated in 2022)
All academic activities as they are listed at the Vytautas Magnus University virtual library
Geography of Rūstis Kamuntavičius' scientific publications
Selected works from various periods, illustrating different locations and languages

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Rūstis Kamuntavičius: A litván kultúra a francia utazók szemében a 17. század második felében // Világtörténet, 1999 ösz-tél, 36–48.

Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas

Sorbonne University, Paris
Rustis Kamuntavicius, À l’extrémité du monde occidental : l’image de la culture lituanienne dans les littératures italienne et française // XVIIe siècle, 2003/3 - n° 220, pages 415 à 430.

Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Minsk
Рустыс Камунтавічус, Падарожжы па Літве ў XVI–XVII ст.: досвед італьянцаў і французаў // Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд, Том 10, сшытак 1-2 (18-19), снежань 2003, с. 59-88.

Lugano, Switzerland
Rūstis Kamuntavičius et al., Gli artisti del del lago di Lugano e del Mendrisiotto nel Granducato di Lituania (dal XVI al XVIII sec.) // Arte ed Storia, anno 13, numero 59, agosto–ottobre 2013.

University of Warsaw, Poland
Rūstis Kamuntavičius, Interpretacje przeszłości: Litewskie, polskie i białoruskie mapy historyczne // Przegląd Wschodni, Tom XIII, Zeszyt 3(51), 2014, 913–948.

Odessa National University, Ukraine
Kamuntavičius, Rūstis . Lithuanian and Belarusian national narratives. G. B. Vico’s «retrospective» // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Соціологія і політичні науки = Odesa National University Herald. Sociology and Politics. Odesa : Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2017, Vol. 22, iss. 2, p. 51-61.

Bar Ilan University, Israel
Noyes, Ruth Sargent; Kamuntavičius, Rūstis, The Paracca family of architects and Druja synagogue: magnate Patrons and jewish clients of eighteenth-century “Vilnius Baroque” // Ars Judaica : the Bar Ilan journal of Jewish art, 2021, t. 17, nr. 1, p. 25-59.

University of Pittsburgh, USA
Rūstis Kamuntavičius, Whose Grand Duchy? Contesting the Multicultural Past in Lithuania and Belarus // Multicultural Commonwealth: Poland-Lithuania and Its Afterlives (Russian and East European Studies), Edited by Stanley Bill and Simon Lewis, University of Pittsburgh Press (November 15, 2023), p. 205–219.

Brill Publishing, United Kingdom
A publication is currently being prepared dedicated to stereotypes between Poles and Lithuanians.

Alexandria University, Egypt
The first history of Lithuania in Arabic is currently being prepared.