In the summer of 2021, the first history of Belarus in the Lithuanian language appeared! Second edition of the book happened in the first quarter of 2022.
I started working on the idea for this book about a decade ago. For many years, I thought about who Belarus is, how her story could be told and how to describe her uniqueness. I don't think that it was an easy book, but I believe that it is definitely not superficial. A more attentive reader will have a better understanding of the political and cultural processes currently taking place in the neighboring country. We know that Lithuanian and Belarusian narrations of the past often conflict, especially when it comes to the times of the Grand Duchy, so the book devotes a lot of space to explaining how and why such different, often incompatible views were formed. I think that such contrast-based insight into our closest neighbor, with whom we had no political border from the 13th century until the interwar period, will help the Lithuanian reader to better understand himself.
"Gudijos istorija" can be purchased at the bookstore of the Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center at National Library, Vilnius, Gedimino Ave. 51, on the 2nd floor near the info post. The price is EUR 11.99.
The publishing house accepts orders by e-mail and can send books by courier throughout Lithuania. The courier price depends on the number of books and the weight of the shipment. Send orders to
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Several reviews: in the Lithuanian language Voruta, in the Belarusian language Bielaruski Historyčny Ahliad.